The Biology of Mythology is a worldbuilding resource for anyone who wants to create stories, video games, ttrpg campaigns, or whatever you can think of using speculative fiction settings. It’s focused on discussions of zoology topics that can be used to bring a dose of realism to fictional creatures. I tend to theme my discussions around animals in fantasy settings, but the same lines of thinking can be used for anything in speculative fiction from mythical monsters to alien races.
As a speculative fiction writer myself, it’s my belief that the best fantasy settings are ones that take time to think about how their worlds work and to make themselves feel believable and real. Obviously, the term “real” doesn’t have quite the same meaning when you start talking about magic and other things that are, by definition, fictional. But by asking ourselves “what if” and working to blend those fictions with known science, I find that it actually goes a long way to enhance the creative process.
About the Blogger
Hi there! I’m Cassie, the giant nerd who runs this blog. It combines my two great loves of fantasy storytelling and animal biology.
I have a bachelor’s degree in Biology and a minor in Creative Writing, and spent several years after college trying to find my niche in the world of science and learning. I’ve been an afterschool teacher, an aquarium educator, and even a zookeeper! But none of those jobs fit quite right, so I’ve since decided to come back around to my first love of writing.
Of course, that doesn’t mean I can’t put my experience in animal biology and education to good use.
When I’m not maintaining this blog or working on a story or freelance project, you can probably find me playing video games, reading, walking down one of my local hiking trails, playing D&D, or cuddling my cat Zelda. Again, giant nerd.
If you want to learn more about my own writing, you can see my Amazon author page here. I only have one book published so far, but more are on the way!